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    COVID 19

    Ultrasound products and services for COVID-19 diagnosis

    Questions? Contact your Philips representative or call us at 1-800-345-6443

    Ultrasound in the fight against COVID-19

    Ultrasound is more valuable than ever with its expanding role in the fight against COVID-19. Philips provides a wide range of ultrasound systems to assess and manage COVID-19-related lung and cardiac complications.

    Ultrasound education and resources

    Dr. Bursey tele-ultrasound series


    Dr. Roberto Lang cardiac ultrasound series


    Dr. Sara Nikravan’s lung ultrasound series


    Additional Philips ultrasound education opportunities


    Contact your Philips Ultrasound clinical service specialist or representative:
    ultrasound.clinedu@philips.com ​

    General requests +1-800-229-6417/Lumify specific requests +1-844-695-8643.

    Considerations for emergency and critical care physicians

    Ultrasound can be used as a tool to identify findings consistent with COIVD-19, assess the severity of the disease and help monitor and manage patients by enabling quick and accurate assessments of cardiac and pulmonary status.

    Lung ultrasound findings in COVID-19 patients can include:

    • Thickening and/or irregularities in the pleural line
    • B-lines
    • Sub-pleural consolidations

    Focused cardiac ultrasound exams in COVID-19 patients can help identify:

    • Left ventricular size and function
    • Right ventricular size and function
    • Presence of pericardial effusion and evidence of tamponade
    • Assessment of IVC for volume status to guide fluid management

    Considerations for cardiologists and sonographers

    Philips Ultrasound is working with cardiologists and sonographers to help identify and share best practices for cardiac exams. Clinicians' feedback to Philips has emphasized consideration for safety while imaging, capture of the most relevant images and data, and effective follow-up analysis.

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    Areas of focus

    While the extent of cardiac damage due to COVID-19 is far from completely understood, cardiologists have highlighted symptoms and complications of pneumonia as key areas of potential focus, especially myocarditis, pulmonary embolism, and potential for acute myocardial infarction.

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    Acquisition focus

    According to the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) recommendations, to monitor disease progression and hemodynamic of patients with COVID-19, echocardiography should obtain the following cardiac parameters: Left heart function, right heart function, cardiac hemodynamics and signs of pericardial effusion. Assessment of right heart function is important because of the potential for short-term lung diseases or acute myocarditis, potentially resulting in pulmonary hypertension and acute right heart failure.

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    Precautions for both caregiver and patient safety are of highest priority. Clinicians have emphasized use of proper PPE, criteria for use of the TEE and minimization of exam time as especially critical. We recommend carefully pre-planning the exam and applying protocols and techniques such as 3D that reduce the need for multiple acquisitions and changing of the transducer positioning. To the extent possible, measurements should be made on a separate workstation, or after the patient has left the exam room.

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    Follow up

    Caregivers should also consider needs for monitoring and follow up exams of COVID-19 patients. Application of techniques and measurements that are consistent and reproducible will aid in comparisons. Some cardiologists have also recommended identification or tagging of patients as COVID-19 in the patient record to help them with future retrieval and analysis.

    Clinical image gallery

    COVID-19 webinars and events

    Experience from the frontline: Clinical and operational considerations in an echo department during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

    POCUS in the ED for COVID-19 with Dr. Rachel Liu

    Lung Ultrasound Part 1 with Martin Altersberger MD, Thomas Binder MD, FESC

    Lung Ultrasound Part 2 with Martin Altersberger MD, Thomas Binder MD, FESC

    Lung Ultrasound Webinar and Q/A with Dr. Sara Nikravan

    Evolving cardiac dynamics with COVID-19 patients: Experiences from US and Europe

    Infection control in the Emergency Department for COVID-19 with Dr. Arun Nagdev

    ASE Statement on Protection of Patients and Echocardiography Service Providers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Nuts and Bolts of Point-of-Care Echo: the 5E’s in COVID-19

    Echocardiographic approach for assessment of patients with suspected myocarditis

    Philips Ultrasound is your ally in the fight against COVID-19

    (Please note, not all products are available in all geographies. Please check with your Philips representative for complete portfolio availability.)

    With systems that are easily cleaned and provide high-quality imaging, Philips Ultrasound technology helps clinicians provide timely and reliable assessment and management of lung and cardiac conditions in COVID-19 patients.


      EPIQ Elite  

      EPIQ Elite Elevate provides high-quality imaging and tailored clinical information to help clinicians deliver timely, confident answers to more patients worldwide. With advanced intelligence and an exceptional level of performance, EPIQ Elite meets the demands of today’s most challenging practices.


      EPIQ CVx  

      EPIQ CVx, our premium cardiovascular ultrasound system built on our innovative, modular, industry-leading ultrasound platform, has powerful AI-based capabilities and advanced diagnostic solutions to help you transcend today's complexities and propel echocardiography into the next dimension. This enables you to achieve greater consistency, accessible innovation, smarter workflows, and easier scalability.


      Affiniti 70

      Affiniti 70 Elevate is the most advanced system in the Affiniti family, delivering stunning image quality and a suite of premium clinical features. Offering new levels of diagnostic confidence and reproducibility, it is designed for fast-paced environments with enhanced workflow and robust performance—helping you deliver the best possible care every day.



      Bringing ultrasound capabilities to the palm of your hand, Philips Lumify combines transducers and an ultrasound app to bring diagnostic capabilities to your compatible Android smart phones and tablets. Acquire critical clinical data quickly and easily in more POC scenarios: emergency medicine, critical care, bedside, and office practice. When you purchase Lumify outright, you get the Lumify transducer(s), the Lumify app, software upgrades, and a manufacturer's warranty. Your purchase also includes a Carry case for your device and transducer.


      CX50 Critical care

      You no longer have to trade performance for portability, the Philips CX50 POC system combines excellent image quality with a small, lightweight, and highly maneuverable cart, making it easy to bring premium performance ultrasound to the bedside.



      Philips InnoSight ultrasound system allows you to scan patients in more of the clinical places you deliver care. The compact & highly portable InnoSight ultrasound system, with its innovative ergonomic design and clinical versatility, allows you to bring ultrasound to patients, whether in the office, clinic, or hospital.



      Philips Sparq ultrasound system makes scanning and interpreting quality ultrasound images in the ICU simple, so you can work fast and with ease, giving you more time to focus on your patients.

    We're with you

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    Organized to assist

    We've aligned our resources and capabilities to help provide care systems with expedited access to information and healthcare solutions to meet their patient care needs.

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    Actively adapting

    We're adapting and advancing our products and technologies to help address the complexities of the illness, patient populations and care conditions.

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    Creating connections

    We're leveraging our infrastructure and platforms to connect care teams and help care systems communicate as efficiently as possible as they navigate the preparation, response and recovery efforts.

    Please note: not all products are available in all geographies. Please check with your Philips representative or call us at 1-800-345-6443 for complete portfolio availability.

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