Philips Support

Where can I find the Philips TV User manual?

Published on 2016-12-29

You can find the user manual in the Home menu of your TV.

To view the user manual, press the [Home] button on the remote control and select the [Help] icon in the Home menu.

You can use the yellow button to switch between the on-screen user manual and a TV channel or TV menu, so you can easily consult the user manual while you watch TV.

Your TV’s on-screen user manual is [Up] dated periodically with the latest information about new features and other product changes.

To view the updated on-screen user manual, download and install the latest User Manual Upgrade software from the ‘User manuals’ section of the Philips support page.

Follow the instructions in the Release Notes of the User Manual [Up] grade on how to [Up] date the TV on-screen user manual.

If you prefer a printed version of the TV user manual, download the PDF file from the ‘User manuals’ section of the Philips support page.

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