You can choose one of two methods to descale:
How to descale the Philips Avent sterilizer
Published on 2017-04-19
- Mix one sachet (10 grams) of citric acid with 200ml of water. Pour into the empty unit – Do not put the lid on – Switch on for 1-2 minutes. Plug off from mains, leave to stand for 30 minutes – Drain and rinse unit. Run a full cycle with baskets/racks inside and lid on using exactly 90ml of water. DO NOT USE any descale that is not Citric Acid.
- Pour 100ml of white vinegar mixed with 200ml cold water into sterilizer. Allow it to stand in the unit until the lime scale has dissolved – DO NOT SWITCH ON - Drain and rinse unit. Run a full cycle with baskets/racks inside and lid on using exactly 90ml of water.