Learn how to make Lamb rack with Salad with Philips Kitchen Appliances. Share with your friends and family!
- Lamb rack 3 pcs 200g
- Fresh corn 1 pc
- Marinade:
- Minced garlic 1½ tsps
- Dried rosemary 1 tsp
- Salt as appropriate
- Black pepper as appropriate
- Olive oil ½ tsp
- Corn seasoning:
- Paprika as appropriate
- Black pepper as appropriate
- Salt as appropriate
- Olive oil ½ tsp
- Dip sauce:
- Mustard sauce 2 tsps
- Ingredients for salad:
- Mixed vegetables 42g
- Apple (sliced) 50g
- Black vinegar sauce 1 tbsp
- 1.Marinade the lamb racks and refrigerate for 1 hour.
- 2.Brush the corn with olive oil. Apply the seasoning evenly and put into the Airfryer and roast at 200°C for 4 minutes.
- 3.Remove the marinade on the lamb racks and put them into the Airfryer together with the corn and roast at 7 minutes. Wait another 3 minutes before removing them. Serve with mustard sauce.
- 4.Mix the salad ingredients and serve together.
- Nutrition Tips (Gloria Tse - Accredited Practicing Dietitian):
- The Airfryer can squeeze out around 40% of the fats, so you can enjoy delicious lamb racks while trying to lose weight. Even heating also ensures that the outside of the lamb racks is crispy without being burnt, while the meat inside remains tender. Lamb contains vitamin B complex, high-quality proteins and iron, while curly kale contains iron and folic acid. Together, they can help promote red blood cell generation. This will prevent cold hands and feet, and fatigue during weight loss. Corn is rich in fiber and has a lower glycemic index than white rice. Therefore, corn makes satiety lasts longer and reduces the desire to snack.